Miami FL 33167
Official Rules Of Engagement Notice丨Hours
Go Truck Hub Working Hours
• Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Associated facilities will be closed on all federal holidays and special company days. For more information, please call our office or visit our website. Go Truck Hub operations team will send notification of any closings at least one week prior to any expected holiday informing the hours and operating power during such dates.
If a customer requires work to be performed outside of working hours or during a holiday, they must call customer service to inform (schedule an appointment) . In the days prior to a Holiday, there will be increased volume of cargo and as such, Go Truck Hub will require advanced notice of work requirements as well.
Official Rules Of Engagement Notice
Warehouse Security
■ No guest is allowed to go inside the warehouse without Go Truck Hub escort. Customers
with an official badge, issued with their photo, may enter warehouse in order to inspect their items.
■ With no exceptions, once the cargo is received by Go Truck Hub, the customer is not allowed to handle the merchandise without a previous Work Order Request authorization and supervision of specific personnel.
■ When a customer is inside Go Freight facilities, they should always observe personnel indications and posted signs, including yellow line demarcations indicating Go Freight personnel only. For safety and operational concerns, there are no expectations to this.
■ If any complaint arises, please contact our Customer Service department. Lack of compliance may result in an automatic contract lease termination. As you may know TSA, FAA & CBP are constantly monitoring our facilities (as well as others) and have made repeated comments for us to put a stop to this practice. Please allocate reasonable working business hours to comply.
All warehouse services should be scheduled according to indications below
■ Unloading and loading of containers (Flat racks, Lowboys, etc.)
■ Containers should be booked with all the necessary documentation (packing list, Container #, Booking #, etc.) and shipping information (Container Size, Bonded, Domestic, Floor loaded, palletized, shrink wrap, segregation, etc.) at least 24 hrs in advance per container. If the information is not provided before the container arrives at TruckHub, might not be able to identify who the container belongs to; therefore, there will be a charge of $25.00 for:
■ All Go Truck Hub received at Go Freight should be consigned (Consignee) to the customer and Care of (C/O) Go Freight
■ Customers may supervise the Unloading or Loading of Containers but must be properly identified with a Go Freight ID badge in advance of work commencement.
■ Go Freight will create two truck parking slots in receiving for Booked LTL Cargo. These arrivals will be received at the time we committed to receive them as per the booking information. To ensure fast receipt, please make certain truck and driver are available at the time of booking. Failure to arrive on time will cause the booking to be voided and truck will be received on a “first come first serve” basis.
■ Over 10 pallets or oversized skids should be booked at least 24 hrs in advance.
■ Less than 10 pallets could be booked at least 4 hrs in advance, this will eliminate l rule and will give priority to the driver delivering the cargo.
■ If special works (i.e. segregation, palletizing, labeling, etc.) are needed we at least require 24 hours
■ When the customer does not know when the cargo will arrive, and therefore not able to book the cargo reception, then the cargo will be received on order of arrival (with no exceptions). Go Truck Hub suggest customers to include a note of “notify 24 hrs before arrival” on the truck bill. This will allow customers to have the necessary information to create appointments and therefore have a faster service.
■ Customer should make a request and according to availability.
■ All cargo received at should be consigned (Consignee) to the customer and Care of (C/O) Go Truck Hub
■ Go Truck Hub will generate all warehouse receipts within four business hours of receiving the cargo. These will be e-mailed to the e-mail address indicated on the Warehouse Agreement and will also be available on our Online System.
■ Truck Lanes will be held exclusively for Booked LTL Cargo. These lanes will be maintained open for those trucks with appointments that arrive on time.
■ Storage time and therefore storage fees will begin 30 days from when cargo is received; storage after 30 days is prorated, so if storage charges are applied they are at 30 days.
■ If a container remains at Go Truck Hub facilities for more than one day, the consignee will be charged with the corresponding container overnight storage fee.
■ Go Truck Hub will receive containers outside of the appointment time; however, Go Truck Hub will not be responsible of the conveyance until the appointment time.
■ Go Truck Hub should be informed at least 24 hrs in advance, when a customer requires pecisal security to guard a loaded container. If Go Truck Hub is not properly informed (in writing), Go Truck Hub will not be responsible for such container.
■ All Cargo Releases shall be created through Go Truck Hub Online System interface or releases via email. All Cargo Releases generated by Go Truck Hub personnel.
■ Releases of more than 10 pallets or oversized skids should be with all the documentation
■ Less than 10 pallets should be booked with all the documentation and shipping instructions, at least 4 hrs in advance.
■ If special works (floor loading, labeling, etc.) are needed, we require at least 24 Hr. advance Work Order Request to have the necessary staff to support your needs.
■ All Pick & Pack requirements should be scheduled (e-mail for scheduling)
■ For bonded cargo all the documentation should be received before the processing time begins (allow at least 24 hrs over 10 pallets and 4 hrs less than 10 pallets).
■ When expedited service is required customer should make a request and according to availability a 50% surcharge over normal rates will be assessed.
■ Cancellations are allowed until 24 hrs before arrivals of containers and 2 hr before LCL works. After this time if any work has been performed to prepare for the cargo reception or the cargo release, the customer will be billed accordingly.
Transportation Late Arrival
■ We know that traffic and congestion occurs fast, and as such, when transportation arrives within one hour of initial appointment, the work will still be performed without any consequences. However, if transportation arrives after this time, work will be postponed for next open time frame. If the remaining of the day and the following day are completely booked, then the customer will decide if work is performed with approved over-time rates or until a time frame is available. Email us directly at for any additional questions.