Easily manage customer's quotes all in one quoting platform.
Approved Quote List
Avoid unnecessary emails, phone calls and getting a rate verbally with an Approved quote. Get the satisfaction that your negotiated rate is in writing and approved by the carrier, for carriers get the trust that the customer has agreed to a rate and accessories. All Parties Win!
Learn more!Pending Quote List
Within the pending quote list, users are able to access all pending quotes, and edit, remove, or approve quotes. View who the quote was requested by, pick up and drop off destination, DAT vs. Go Truck Hub price, last activity, and any additional notes.
Voided Quote List
The voided quote list displays quotes that were not approved. View who the quote was requested by, pick up and drop off destination, DAT vs. Go Truck Hub price, last activity, along with the reason for decline.
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Do you need an easy way of obtaining a trucking quote? Go Truck Hub makes requesting a quote self intuitive. Simply fill out the standards you need met for your shipment, and let Go Truck Hub’s instant quote tool do the rest.