Your Loads With Load Tracking
Go Truck Hub has the ability to connect with GPS Insight, Keep Truckin, Transflo, CH Robinson, Fourkites and Macropoint directly. Meaning Brokers and Carriers can avoid double data entry.
Take Control of Your Shipments
Admin Functionality
Keeping track of administrators shouldn’t be the main focus of your operations. With Go Truck Hub, users don’t have to worry. Easily view and manage all active, inactive administrators, and even activate new admins!
With Go Truck Hub, all companies are arranged in order by name. This makes it easy to find and update information about each client. Each company is classified by either a freight broker, forwarder, or shipper.
My Load Actions
Within each load, users have the ability to take action. Access important job information, update invoice status, send important documents, or convey that a shipment needs attention, and why.